6/17/21: The Wire—Book Report

6/17/21: The Wire—Book Report

I finished this book on the morning of June 17. In a letter dated a few days earlier, I may have mentioned to my family that after reading my first murder mystery novel (which included plenty of courtroom and legal proceedings scenes) that I had had enough of this genre of novels.

However, with limited reading options and an excess of free time, I found myself starting another one and really enjoying it.

If not for being in prison, I would not have picked up a 400+ page fiction book, let alone finished reading it in 2-1/2 days.

I learned a lot from this book. The cliche answer being that the FBI /DOJ has unlimited resources and always wins the case. What I really took away was that I have the ability to sit down for long periods of time and simply read.

There is a plethora of ways to continue ones education. COVID has shown everyone that there are alternatives to the exorbitant fees and constrictive schedules of traditional academic institutions. To make these new options effective, anyone embarking on a self-directed learning journey needs to sit down, put in the time, read, write and ponder.

In the past I admittedly had trouble with this. A quick check on Facebook, read through a few emails, click on a couple of news articles and I was gone. I can tell however, that this part of me has changed. If there is some way to further my education, I know now that I have to have it in me to make a real commitment…to absorbing the content, following through, and expanding my knowledge. This is going to help me tremendously upon my release.