Author: Tyler Bush

The commissary list in prison includes quite a few things that at first seem random and misplaced.  However, what inmates make with this disjointed availability never ceases to amaze me.  I had heard the lore of prison cheese cake upon my arrival, but am an...

Until I started learning more about Stoic Philosophy I never realized how many aspects of life that cause me stress are external - out of my control.  Now that I am becoming more aware of this, I hear about 'externals' in conversations all the time. ...

After all the philosophy books lately I felt it was time to get back to a fiction novel.  This book is exactly that, a wild story of two men driving all over Florida appreciating the run down, timeless aspects of the states past while also...

A friend once told me that when life is too good, or too easy, we create problems for ourselves and place importance in the menial things.  Hobbies, assets, superficial stuff.  You strip that down and you begin to face things differently.  It shows you what...

Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl While walking the track recently I had a conversation with someone about Stoic Philosophy.  We spoke of the lessons it has taught me and how I am using it to manage my perceptions of this experience.  Based on...

Of the myriad number of concerns one may have before coming to Prison, one of them is likely, will I be bored out of my mind when I am here?  It is valid - you have a lot of free time.  No grocery shopping, no...

There are two ways you can approach philosophy: You can read it as it is enjoyable to read, to think, and to be inspired by new perspectives and ideas.  Or, you can read, learn and practice.  In that sense, no one may directly be aware...

After I gained my bearings at Yankton I was reasonably comfortable with the other inmates at the Prison.  You start to recognize everyone, they recognize you, you're not the new guy anymore.  Then a few started to leave, a few more came in, and then...

There is not an exact set time for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the BOP.  There is a time range within which we are likely to be called.  It's best to be ready and waiting as people swarm the chow hall when they leave the...

Mindset - The Psychology of Success Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. Admittedly, I was unenthused about this book when it arrived.  I have been enjoying fiction and philosophy, which is a jump from a "business book".  The book, however, came from a family friend and included a letter...