Author: Tyler Bush

Earning Freedom - Conquering a 45 Year Prison Sentence By Michael Santos I finished this book on July 5th, having read it in 3 days but spending an equal amount of time pondering as I did reading.  I will be thinking about this book and the lessons...

The Honeymoon- by James Patterson I need to own it.  After reading my first murder mystery novel I wrote that I was done with that genre of books.  I was in quarantine and wanted my reading list, which I didn’t have access to.  But now that...

I remember laying in bed one evening a few weeks before I self surrendered to the Yankton Federal Prison Camp, pondering the likely variances between my then current sleeping arrangement and what Yankton would have in store for me. Pre-surrender sleeping: The A/C is on, set...

The obvious part of a post like this will be how wonderful it is to get mail in prison, but I will get to that later.  The part I want to address first is the challenge of writing letters in prison.  It would be easy...

I started off Thursday morning with my usual quarantine morning routine.  Breakfast out of a styrofoam container, a drink from the water fountain, laying on my floor for the exact 40 minutes when the sun shines through and some time spent writing.  I then settled...

I am 16 days into quarantine and while I wanted to write this post on a computer we still don’t have access to them.  So I am putting pencil to paper and having it transcribed.  It is 8:10 am on Thursday June 24.  I have...

I like high end bicycles. I like the way they ride-how they shift and how the brakes feel.   How you can adjust everything to a perfect fit. How they efficiently pedal uphill but also absorb every bump going downhill.  How they look so good just...

As the title would lead you to believe, I am 13 days into quarantine. Quarantining for a virus that I have been vaccinated for previously and then tested negative upon intake at Yankton. There is a lesson to be learned here and it is one that...

Book number 3 and I knocked it out in 24 hours. After enjoying novels by Michael Cohen and David Baldacci, I figured it was a good idea to continue with the crime-solving novels. Plus, there are literally no other types of books available to us...

I finished this book on the morning of June 17. In a letter dated a few days earlier, I may have mentioned to my family that after reading my first murder mystery novel (which included plenty of courtroom and legal proceedings scenes) that I had...