Author: Tyler Bush

What Grade will you Give Yourself? It is Monday, June 14. I’m having a hard time admitting this but I am in really high spirits today, maybe even enjoying myself. I have given in to the circumstances of my situation and am doing what I can...

It is Saturday morning and I am sitting in my room at Yankton Federal Prison Camp. Still in quarantine and will be here for at least 14 more days, but more like 16. They run a Covid rapid test at medical the moment you arrive....

I recently watched a documentary about the seafood industry.  Seaspiracy has been hotly contended but brought up a point I have been ruminating on as of late. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was tragic - there's no doubt about it.  11 worker's lives were taken that day on...

This is a phrase that has been on my mind frequently and has also presented itself in the videos I have recorded. There is a balance between enjoying today and planning for tomorrow. That balance becomes more of a fine line when today includes the concept...

Course: Self-Directed, Self-Help with Journaling 101 YouTube: Post: Title: Preparing for Professional Sales from Prison Blurb: Scott learned a simple sales lesson as a young man: People don’t want to be sold, but they love to buy; a successful salesperson learns what their customer values. Scott’s entrepreneurial mindset and...

This morning I read an article titled "50 Rules for a Good Life". Below are a few of my favorites from that list - but truth be told, all the rules are good. While my current situation has me reflecting on many life decisions, I am...

In a prior post, I spoke about how I would report to Prison in one month and was busy preparing my house and enjoying the remaining time I had with my freedom. While those two activities have kept me occupied, my attention has also focused...

Going through this process has shown me the immense value of a supportive family. We've always been there for each other, but my recent legal perils and the subsequent challenges have highlighted the type of unconditional love my family provides. Here is a picture I took...

With less than one month until I report to prison, there is a lot to address. It's an odd place to be in - much to do yet also enough time left to enjoy life and freedom. A delicate balance indeed. I am renting my home...