Author: Tyler Bush

To say out loud that "I received an investigation letter" is a shocking experience. If you've received an investigation letter or, worse, have been indicted, chances are you not only feel nauseated but are underestimating the arduous journey ahead. The reality of the situation...

Living life while waiting to report to Yankton Federal Prison Camp I recently became aware of a story called the Sword of Damocles. The story centers on a king named Dionysius II, who ruled over the Sicilian city of Syracuse. He was unhappy due to the number...

Learning to surf was unlike any other sport I have ever taken on.  Besides being exceptionally humbling and challenging, you’re also at the whim of mother nature.  If you want to surf on a specific day it doesn’t always work out – the tide is too low...

Once you've decided you want a career in sales you need to choose whether you're more suited to work in B2B or B2C sales. I started sales right out of college, making in-home sales of mini blinds, or window coverings, as we called them...

Choosing a career in sales can be a grueling choice. You have management squeezing from one side – constantly asking for more and more. You have your prospects on the other – too busy to meet, not interested, not returning your calls, or satisfied with...