Author: Tyler Bush

On Thursday nights part of the gym is cleared for full-court basketball.  The games can be contentious and therefore include three referees, two score keepers, and the bleachers are full.  Full disclosure - there are only two sets of bleachers, but still.  My car works...

The Psychology of Intuition, Influence, Decision Making and Trust by Jacob Burak This book is a compilation of studies from the field of behavioral science, viewed through a unique lens.  The broader question addressed is how are we all confined by how other humans behaved in these...

by James Clear Each morning when at work detail and waiting for count to clear I read the newspaper.  This book has been on the New York Times bestseller list for a while and I decided to give it a go.  The author provides tips, tricks...

Both Allison and my mother sent this book to me and the timing was exquisite.  Nothing like Covid quarantine (after leaving the isolation unit) and a National Lockdown to make you appreciate a 600 plus page fiction novel that takes place in the three different...

Monday January 31st was an exciting night over in Yankton.  As exciting as it can get in prison.  After being in covid quarantine, then testing positive and being moved to covid isolation, and then finally moved back to quarantine after 11 days in isolation, February...

Emily B has become a bit of a pen pal while I've been away and the conversation recently turned to literature.  She said she would like to send me something to read.  I took her up on the offer and asked her to send a...

My friend Stacy sent me this endearing novel.  She's a realtor in Boise and the story takes place under unique realty related circumstances.  At first glance I thought this was a non-fiction self help book on anxiety, then I thought maybe she found it because...

On the morning of January 6th at 8:43am we hear the page over the intercom: "All inmates return to your housing unit, all inmates return to your housing unit." I could feel the collective sigh in the air. We all knew it - Covid had...