Author: Tyler Bush

A close friend here recommended this book.  He and I eat breakfast together most mornings and we begin our days with my favorite: luke warm oatmeal, child size cartons of milk, mealy apples and good conversation.  The book begins as a witty diatribe about life,...

After reviewing the calorie count and sugar intake on this gem of a dessert I had to come to terms with reality, and my fitness/health goals.  This isn't an indulgence, it is a public health concern.  I think people could use incarceration as an excuse...

In my earlier years I found myself searching for where I wanted to settle down and start a life out West.  A job offer led me to Boise and I still have much gratitude for how lucky I was, although at times I should have...

The Stoics were testing me: Below are my thoughts from a gorgeous day this past October.  I wrote this but never sent it off.  There wasn't any reason in particular I didn't send it, I guess I wrote it more as therapy.  Kind of working through...

I have been enjoying reading so many thought provoking books but felt it was time for something lighter.  Reading is often times a search for knowledge, perspectives and opinions but it can also be a time to relax and unwind.  So with that in mind,...

There is no shortage of tattoos in here.  Especially neck tattoos.  I have to hand it to everyone in terms of not just creativity, but sheer coverage and commitment.  There is by no means a lack of artwork to appreciate. There aren't any tattoo guns at...

It's Only 7 Weeks: I used to get fairly discouraged when daylight savings time ended.  It was actually very foolish of me considering 1) I have no control over daylight savings time ending 2) due to the tilt of the earth there are only so many...

Things to know about Prison: (from someone who has been in prison for five months) If you have less than a five year sentence people will actually laugh and tell you how quick the time will go by - you will not find humor in this. That chair...

I have some mountains in front of me that I have to climb. They're figurative mountains, but they're mountains nonetheless. Everyone has their challenges, and each of us must decide how we're going to respond. The way we respond defines who and what we become...