Author: Tyler Bush

This is a short post because this one quote says it all and I don't want to take away from it.  I feel that the study of philosophy and Zen are quite different - one takes place in the mind utilizing theories, concepts and ideas...

Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins After reading the autobiography of Malcolm X I wanted to include more autobiographies in my reading.  It's calming to read about the challenges people face and their victories.  I also wanted to get a "pump me up I can handle anything!!"...

The first Monday in November was a gray, dreary, Midwest early winter day.  Blustery and chilly.  There's been a nasty head cold making it's way around the unit and I had successfully fended it off for several weeks.  I get enough rest, hydrate, take vitamin-C...

Sunday night was the premier of the new season of Yellowstone and the TV room was going wild.   People have been talking about this for several weeks and the seats began filling up hours before the start.  I've never seen it this packed down there. Everyone...

Greetings from the Culinary Institute of Yankton (CIOY) pronounced "Chow". I made my first bowl of Gumbo Saturday night and after much debate we decided that the texture and flavor profile of mackerel was better suited to the dish than tuna.  Tuna is usually the go...

Two themes I frequently see surface in my reading are being present and managing emotions.  There is a Lao Tzu quote that eloquently sums up the the beauty in being present and the futility of anything else: "Depression is in the past, anxiety is in...

A friend of mine in Boise is a psychologist.  We went skiing together one day this past winter and talked about making sense of the past, faith, struggles and changes in direction one's life can take.  At one point in time he recommended this book...

Last week, Monday morning was my day to shop at commissary. In standard commissary day fashion I woke up at 5:30am and waited in the entrance to our unit starting at 5:40.  A controlled move was called at 6:02 am and we walked to the building...

This is a game that I used to play frequently.  The version I played was to be 100% honest in that exact moment with the person who was asking the question.  It is not a random game you play with anyone though.  The other person,...