Book Report # 4

Book Report # 4

The Honeymoon- by James Patterson

I need to own it.  After reading my first murder mystery novel I wrote that I was done with that genre of books.  I was in quarantine and wanted my reading list, which I didn’t have access to.  But now that I’ve knocked out my 4th book I will admit that I really enjoy that style of writing and story telling.

The books are entertaining, easy reads that at times can be hard to put down.  The list of books I made for reading in prison included some fiction, but in hindsight, not enough. I had business, tech books, digital marketing, philosophy, spiritual…but am realizing that reading does not always need to be about the consumption of information.  You can simply relax and be entertained. The Honeymoon was by no means a short book, and it took me only 1 1/2 days to read.  I can feel the part of my mind which allows me to sit still and focus growing much stronger.

I came into quarantine with a reading plan and it was massively derailed, but I adapted.  On top of that, that adaptation led me down a path I would not have chosen (murder mystery novels). Yet I have really enjoyed them. That same logic is what I am going to apply to the situation I’m in right now. No one wants to lose their business, leave their loved ones and go to prison, but it’s the path I found myself on.  I will find a way to adapt and make this new direction work for me.