
Living life while waiting to report to Yankton Federal Prison Camp I recently became aware of a story called the Sword of Damocles. The story centers on a king named Dionysius II, who ruled over the Sicilian city of Syracuse. He was unhappy due to the number...

Learning to surf was unlike any other sport I have ever taken on.  Besides being exceptionally humbling and challenging, you’re also at the whim of mother nature.  If you want to surf on a specific day it doesn’t always work out – the tide is too low...

Once you've decided you want a career in sales you need to choose whether you're more suited to work in B2B or B2C sales. I started sales right out of college, making in-home sales of mini blinds, or window coverings, as we called them...

Choosing a career in sales can be a grueling choice. You have management squeezing from one side – constantly asking for more and more. You have your prospects on the other – too busy to meet, not interested, not returning your calls, or satisfied with...