
Now that I have found myself in the swing of things I am beginning to cook more.  It is time consuming, but we have plenty of that and cooking is about more than simply making food to eat.  In here, there is a sense of...

Everything finally clicked with John Lennon's Imagine.  I love this song, it feels so so good to play, especially considering all the effort I put in.  After breakfast and before work call I head downstairs when the music room is empty (before 7am).  I turn...

Yankton FPC has a fairly large Native American population and with today being ahem, "Columbus Day" I felt I would share a story I recently read. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were training for Apollo II they were in the Western United States and there...

Update on the Mp3 player.  I actually could not handle walking the track and listening to music at the same time.  After almost 120 days without music it was literally too much.  For now, I started listening to music the way people used to.  I...

Like anywhere else in the world, people in prison really enjoying creating and using nicknames.  Yankton has it's fair share of typical prison nicknames.  Killer, Chainsaw and Tiny (who is obviously huge) to name a few.  I was here for roughly one hour before I...

Tuesday morning started in a way I never could have planned for. First, I recently finished Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind.  The final chapters of the book, the culmination of everything Harari writes, comes together in an absolutely soul stirring way.  Through his insights...

I have an orange and yellow spiral bound notebook I've been using for a variety of writing topics.  Not long musings, but short, spur of the moment inspiration I want to save and come back to later. If an idea from a book or a conversation...

I figured it was time to share more about what this gem of fitness center is like at Yankton.  First off, it's a total mad house.  Picture your local gym on the first Monday after New Years Eve.  Everyone's resolutions are in place and they...

I have been setting fitness goals that at first felt a bit lofty.  However, I like the idea of a goal that I can't complete in a short amount of time.  My sit-up routine is up to 500 per session.  Push-ups go to 300.  While...

Earlier this week I was at work call and the compound was eerily quiet.  We are held up and not allowed out on the compound for one and a half hours.  Shortly thereafter, we're told to go to the gym and wait there.  We walk...