
Before I came here I remember watching a you tube video of a gentleman talking about life after his release.  He said that "the sooner you put this behind you, the sooner you have one less day of your life to stand for count."  At...

This is a small win and also a big win.  The exact instance itself isn't such a moment to celebrate, but I am inspired by how this line of thinking is bleeding over in to other parts of my life, and more so the impact...

One day soon enough I will look back on all this like I now look back on my time in quarantine.  In those moments, I was devastated.  Sitting in a room by myself in South Dakota, locked inside for 17 days straight, my head spinning...

The commissary list in prison includes quite a few things that at first seem random and misplaced.  However, what inmates make with this disjointed availability never ceases to amaze me.  I had heard the lore of prison cheese cake upon my arrival, but am an...

Until I started learning more about Stoic Philosophy I never realized how many aspects of life that cause me stress are external - out of my control.  Now that I am becoming more aware of this, I hear about 'externals' in conversations all the time. ...

A friend once told me that when life is too good, or too easy, we create problems for ourselves and place importance in the menial things.  Hobbies, assets, superficial stuff.  You strip that down and you begin to face things differently.  It shows you what...

Of the myriad number of concerns one may have before coming to Prison, one of them is likely, will I be bored out of my mind when I am here?  It is valid - you have a lot of free time.  No grocery shopping, no...

After I gained my bearings at Yankton I was reasonably comfortable with the other inmates at the Prison.  You start to recognize everyone, they recognize you, you're not the new guy anymore.  Then a few started to leave, a few more came in, and then...

There is not an exact set time for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the BOP.  There is a time range within which we are likely to be called.  It's best to be ready and waiting as people swarm the chow hall when they leave the...

Big news on the compound, we recevied approval for group pictures.  Saturday evening was a busy one at the gym, where group pictures occur.  Let's take a look at what goes in to getting your picture taken while incarcerated and review my 9 tips for...