
I have never kept a diary or had a desire to journal.  The extent of my writing over the last 10 years has been emails in the professional setting.  Lately I have been pondering not just the idea to document this experience, as that is...

Shopping in Prison: Instead of having a store we can access throughout the week, the prison chooses to let inmates shop on one specific weekday and only during a five minute period.  Prior to our assigned day, we are given a one-page sheet of paper that...

:    Reading, Writing and Gardening - In Prison When you find out you're going to prison one of the first things many people talk about is how much you'll be able to read and that you should write a book.  To a degree, they're right.  No...

Today, July 9th, marks my first month in federal prison.  Is it a time to celebrate or a time to feel defeated, knowing both the amount of time I have already gotten through yet the sentence I have left?  I don't really feel either of...

I remember laying in bed one evening a few weeks before I self surrendered to the Yankton Federal Prison Camp, pondering the likely variances between my then current sleeping arrangement and what Yankton would have in store for me. Pre-surrender sleeping: The A/C is on, set...

The obvious part of a post like this will be how wonderful it is to get mail in prison, but I will get to that later.  The part I want to address first is the challenge of writing letters in prison.  It would be easy...

I started off Thursday morning with my usual quarantine morning routine.  Breakfast out of a styrofoam container, a drink from the water fountain, laying on my floor for the exact 40 minutes when the sun shines through and some time spent writing.  I then settled...

I am 16 days into quarantine and while I wanted to write this post on a computer we still don’t have access to them.  So I am putting pencil to paper and having it transcribed.  It is 8:10 am on Thursday June 24.  I have...

I like high end bicycles. I like the way they ride-how they shift and how the brakes feel.   How you can adjust everything to a perfect fit. How they efficiently pedal uphill but also absorb every bump going downhill.  How they look so good just...

As the title would lead you to believe, I am 13 days into quarantine. Quarantining for a virus that I have been vaccinated for previously and then tested negative upon intake at Yankton. There is a lesson to be learned here and it is one that...