Book Reports

Richard Feynman is a Nobel prize winning physicist and this book includes stories of his time in undergrad at MIT, graduate school at Princeton, working at Los Alamos in New Mexico, teaching at Caltech and Cornell, and purely analyzing and living life. It is composed of...

This is an intimate story based in India that is about seeking, peace, and spirituality.  As a young man the main character, Siddhartha, grows discontent with his current life and sheds himself of all worldly possessions to roam the forest as a destitute ascetic.  One...

The Private Equity Playbookby Adam Coffey In one of the more white collar moments you could have in prison a guy showed up who had extensiveexperience in private equity. We've become good friends over the last several months and he shared this bookwith me. You hear...

Crito is a play, a dialogue really, between Socrates and his friend Crito. It focuses on death, justice, and theappropriate response to one's circumstances. While their conversation doesn't reveal what Socrates did whichresulted in his incarceration and subsequent death sentence, it does highlight his commitment...

Madhouse at the End of the Earthby Julian Sancton Madhouse at the End of the Earth arrived in Yankton a couple of months back, and I have no idea who sent it to me, but my best guess is with Paul - he's always one to...

Corruptibleby Brian Klaas I cannot seem to get enough of hunter-gatherer references when analyzing our modern world and writing on the variance and evolution of our lives between that time period and now. This continues to appear in many aspects of my reading and it is...

A couple months ago I was in the legal library and a friend passed this book to me. He mentioned that he enjoyed it to the point he read it twice. Books can find their way into your life in fairly random ways and this...

Me Talk Pretty One Dayby David Sedaris This is going to be a brief book report as not much can be said about a series of short stories by a creative and smug author. I wanted to read the works of someone moderately well known to...

Zen in the Art of Archeryby Eugen Herrigel This was a read it twice book. Sometimes you have to take it all in before you can really take it all in, ya know? A German philosopher moves to Japan for six years to subject himself to the...

By Gregory David Roberts This was one of those books that was so good I found myself overtly slowing down the pace at which I was reading, or going back to reread and fully take in the way the author so eloquently worded portions of his...