Book Reports

This book was written by the same authors as the blockchain book I recently read.  I enjoyed their writing style and the layout of the first book so I decided to give this one a go.  Learning about technology, or anything new, keeps my mind...

This book was recommended to me last year and unfortunately I wasn't in the headspace to read it - which was a shame.  There was so much ruminating in my mind about everything that had recently occurred, what life was going to look like moving...

I chose this book because I've become a fan of not only the author's work, but his inspiring attitude towards challenging times.  Just look at the title - he had already spent over 8,000 days in prison, and was still meticulously documenting his efforts to...

You are a badass by Jen Sincero I don't think I would have grabbed this book off the shelf under my own volition.  I was in the law library one day and a friend of mine was in there looking for a new book to read. ...

This was a timely follow up to Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, and a good reminder that I should take what I can from each book I read, while not letting differing opinions overly sway me.  To someone practicing Zen you seek to completely disregard your mind. ...

I decided to dive in deeper and read the work of Marcus Aurelius, one of the main contributors to Stoic Philosophy.  He was a Roman emperor who at one point was considered the most powerful and the most wise person in the world.  It would...

After all the philosophy books lately I felt it was time to get back to a fiction novel.  This book is exactly that, a wild story of two men driving all over Florida appreciating the run down, timeless aspects of the states past while also...

Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl While walking the track recently I had a conversation with someone about Stoic Philosophy.  We spoke of the lessons it has taught me and how I am using it to manage my perceptions of this experience.  Based on...

There are two ways you can approach philosophy: You can read it as it is enjoyable to read, to think, and to be inspired by new perspectives and ideas.  Or, you can read, learn and practice.  In that sense, no one may directly be aware...