Book Reports

Mindset - The Psychology of Success Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. Admittedly, I was unenthused about this book when it arrived.  I have been enjoying fiction and philosophy, which is a jump from a "business book".  The book, however, came from a family friend and included a letter...

A close family friend was an English teacher for 45 years.  She has an deep appreciation for literature and wrote me an absolutely lovely letter talking about her current life, retirement, and three of her favorite recent books.  Letters like this are such a reprieve...

Dave Eggers You Shall Know Our Velocity I had heard of the authors previous book, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, and enjoyed it many years ago, but this one was new to me.  It showed up during mail call one day and there has been no...

As a society we are constantly overwhelmed with choices, and if I had access to Google this is the place where I would put in a link referencing the "dilemma of choices" and how when a consumer is faced with too many options they choose...

Bubble or Revolution—The Present and Future of Blockchain and Crypto Currencies I decided to read this book for a couple of reasons.  One, I enjoy technical subject matter.  Two, while digital currency is not new, I think it is a technology that is here to stay,...

Earning Freedom - Conquering a 45 Year Prison Sentence By Michael Santos I finished this book on July 5th, having read it in 3 days but spending an equal amount of time pondering as I did reading.  I will be thinking about this book and the lessons...

The Honeymoon- by James Patterson I need to own it.  After reading my first murder mystery novel I wrote that I was done with that genre of books.  I was in quarantine and wanted my reading list, which I didn’t have access to.  But now that...

Book number 3 and I knocked it out in 24 hours. After enjoying novels by Michael Cohen and David Baldacci, I figured it was a good idea to continue with the crime-solving novels. Plus, there are literally no other types of books available to us...

I finished this book on the morning of June 17. In a letter dated a few days earlier, I may have mentioned to my family that after reading my first murder mystery novel (which included plenty of courtroom and legal proceedings scenes) that I had...