Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day
by David Sedaris

This is going to be a brief book report as not much can be said about a series of short stories by a creative and smug author. I wanted to read the works of someone moderately well known to find my own take on what unique niche the writer has created. Sedaris has a carefree style that comes across as excessively, although enjoyably, sardonic. He also has an ability to tell stories in a way that’s mocking not just the situation, but the nuances surrounding it. For example, once he and all his siblings have moved out of the home they grew up in he believes his parents lives will quiet down and they will have little to do. However, his parents buy a great dane and they go absolutely nuts for the dog. Adoring it with what he feels is more love and affection than received by all his siblings combined. So he goes fairly deep into this story and it, along with most of those in the book, makes you laugh out loud which isn’t all to common when reading.

Sedaris is the antithesis to the James Patterson’s and Stephen King’s of the world. Instead of being overly descriptive of a scene, i.e.: the moss stretched down from the tree and blew lazily in the slight, humid breeze, setting the tone for a day in which all of us would not move much amidst the oppressive heat, he let’s the scene speak for itself through the absurdity and humor of the tale.

Instead of mocking most of daily life he pulls at the heart strings a bit as well. Whether he’s dealing with ailing pets, struggles in employment or working through the various challenges of daily life, the book is relatable but brings humor to it all.